Assessed contributing factors to high churn rate for nationwide internet service provider
Challenge: A large internet provider targeting value customers had a very high churn rate. They believed they had network issues that significantly contributed to this problem.
Action: The service provider asked SkeensMcDonell to do an independent assessment of their network teams plans to upgrade their network to ensure these changes would reduce the churn in their customer base.
Findings: Having reviewed all the network teams plans, we found they were doing many of the right things to improve the network. However, we analyzed data collected by the company from the perspective of their customers view of their service and found several issues both technical and operational that the company could do quickly to significantly improve their customers experience.
Results: The service provider used our recommendations to take quick action on several issues and improved the customer experience with their service. There was a positive improvement in their churn rate. The company had longer-term actions in place to improve the other contributors.